1434 Sainte-Catherine West
LOCATION: 1434 Sainte-Catherine Street West, Montréal
YEAR: Completed (2010)
CLIENT: SIDEV Realty Corporation Inc.
AREA: 4,030 m2 | 43,365 ft2
Built in 1932, the 1434 Sainte-Catherine West is a six-storey office building with a commercial ground floor. The building is characterised by its narrow windows and brick design on the main façade. The building underwent a complete renovation of its façade on Sainte-Catherine Street and restoration of the masonry on its rear façades, while retaining the existing fenestration. Renovating the main façade involved the complete dismantling of brick cladding to strengthen the structure of the existing wall before applying the new masonry cladding. The coronation of the parapet was also rebuilt to reflect the original design.